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26th January 2021 - Trading Standards Seize non-compliant Vaping Products from 2 premises

Trading Standards Seize non-compliant Vaping Products from 2 premises

Our Trading Standards team took part in a South East wide disposable vaping project last month across the West Berkshire, Bracknell and Wokingham area. The aim of the project was to identify non-compliant disposable vaping products.

Disposable vaping products have seen a surge in popularity coinciding with a ban on certain products in America by the Food and Drugs Administration resulting in products originally destined for other markets hitting the UK. Such products may have been compliant for other markets, but do not meet the requirements of the Tobacco and Related Products Regulations 2016 and cannot be sold in the UK. The influx of products has seen many with capacities in excess of 2ml in volume, in strengths higher than 20mg/ml nicotine (or 2%) and many have not been correctly labelled for the UK market (including traceability and instructions for use).

The team visited 19 premises which resulted in 46 disposable vaping products being seized from 2 different stores. All the products seized contained more than 2ml of liquid product allowed by UK law and criminal investigations are now ongoing.

If you suspect a store is selling non-compliant disposable vaping products then you can contact us on 01635 519930 for Trading Standards, or emailĀ tsadvice@westberks.gov.uk

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire