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06 November 2020 - Underage Alcohol Sales In Hungerford

Underage Alcohol Sales In Hungerford

On Friday 16th October Mr Patel from J&P Stores in Hungerford was found guilty, at Reading Magistrates Court, of selling alcohol to our underage volunteer.

This matter related to one offence committed by J&P Stores Ltd at the premises known as Ratnamss contrary to section 146 (1) and (7) of the Licensing Act 2003 which makes it an offence for a person to sell alcohol to an individual aged under 18.

On 25th October 2019, West Berkshire Trading Standards undertook a test purchase exercise with a 16 year old female volunteer as part of an operation looking at precautions being taken by retailers in the district to prevent the sale of alcohol to under 16s. 

Mr. Patel, the designated premises supervisor for J&P Stores admitted selling alcohol to the underage volunteer without having asked for any form of identification and also admitted to not having any formal experience with sale of age restricted products.  J&P Stores did not attend court, entering a guilty plea by post.  

The magistrates ordered a fine of £1000 and costs and directed that the total amount of £2,037.00 be paid in full within 3 months. 

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire