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22 September 2020 - Update from Prime Minister re COVID restrictions

Latest update (22nd September) from Prime Minister regarding COVID restrictions includes:

➡️ Asking office workers who can work from home to do so.
➡️ From Thursday all pubs, bars and restaurants must operate table-service only. Together with all hospitality venues, they must CLOSE at 10pm. The same closing time of 10pm will apply to takeaways - though deliveries can continue thereafter.
➡️ The requirement to wear face coverings to include staff in retail, all users of taxis and private hire vehicles, and staff and customers in indoor hospitality, except when seated at a table to eat or drink.
➡️ In retail, leisure, tourism and other sectors, the Government Covid-secure guidelines will become legal obligations.
➡️ From Monday, a maximum of 15 people will be able to attend wedding ceremonies and receptions. Though, up to 30 can still attend a funeral.
➡️ Rule of 6 extended to all adult indoor team sports
The Government had already introduced a fine of up to £10,000 for those who fail to self-isolate and such fines will now be applied to businesses breaking Covid rules.
The penalty for failing to wear a mask or breaking the rule of six will now double to £200 for a first offence.
For full statement see link below:
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire