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20th April 2021 - Update on Live Music in Hospitality in Step 2

Update on Live Music in Hospitality in Step 2

From 12/04/21, Step 2, hospitality includes a public house, café, restaurant or bar (including a bar in a hotel or members’ club).

The restrictions are detailed in The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Obligations of Undertakings) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2020.  Hospitality are required to take all reasonable measures to stop singing and dancing and ensure that no recorded music is played on the premises which exceeds 85 dB(A) ( A-weighted decibels) when measured at the source. Therefore low level background or recorded music is permitted in hospitality settings as long as it is ancillary or incidental.  

Live music performances in hospitality settings are permitted under Step 2 of the Roadmap. However the live performance activity is not permitted to be the main reason or purpose why patrons are on the premises: any live music at Step 2 should be incidental to the consumption of food or drink, and not the main purpose of the gathering. Any venue that charges for admission would constitute a performance event which should not go ahead at Step 2.

For more information on what to consider as you reopen your premise please see our Reopening Noise management Guidance at:



Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire