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22nd March 2021 - Updated Wedding Guidance

Updated Wedding Guidance

The UK is currently experiencing a public health emergency as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and is in a national lockdown.

Marriages and civil partnerships are a vital part of our society, uniting couples to start their new life together and affording certain legal rights. These ceremonies are often followed by receptions and other celebrations attended by guests that are known to one another. However, by their very nature, in bringing families and friends together, they are social events which are particularly vulnerable to the spread of COVID-19 and restrictions have therefore been necessary to reduce the risk of transmission.

The government has been working closely with stakeholders in the wedding industry and the Places of Worship Taskforce to consider how we are able to allow small marriages and civil partnerships to take place safely

This guidance for marriages and civil partnerships has been drafted on the basis of the scientific evidence available and will be updated in line with the changing situation and as more data becomes available on COVID-19.

See link here for full guidance.

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire