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18th September 2023 - Updates on Government 'American XL Bully' dog ban

Updates on Government 'American XL Bully' dog ban

Last week the Government announced a ban will come into force on 'American XL Bully' dogs. 

American XL Bully’ dogs will be banned following a series of horrific attacks, the Government has announced.

This is a first step towards adding it to the list of dogs banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act.

This group will include police, canine and veterinary experts, and animal welfare stakeholders.

  • See full details of Government announcement here. 
  • Environment Secretary on 'American XL Bully' Ban - full details see link here. 

Further updates are awaited on what exactly the 'American XL Bully' breed is. Then further guidance will be issued on conditions, exemptions etc. 


Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire