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27th May 2022 - Warning to Wokingham Residents re Bogus Company Claiming to be Carrying Out Free Repairs on Behalf of Wokingham Borough Council

Warning to Wokingham Residents re Bogus Company Claiming to be Carrying Out Free Repairs on Behalf of Wokingham Borough Council 

We would like to warn Wokingham residents that we’ve received a report that there’s a company cold calling residents stating they were working on behalf of Wokingham Borough Council to carry out free repairs on their homes. The company claim, they are carrying out repairs to properties free of charge.  This is not the case and is incorrect.

Please be aware and check with your local council before agreeing to let any such persons into your property. Always check the authenticity of the caller before allowing them into your property. 

  • Do not use any telephone numbers provided by the cold caller. 
  • Look up the telephone number independently to double check the information is correct. 
  • Please report the matter to Trading Standards.  When doing so, and to assist us, it would be really helpful to gather as much information as possible, like vehicle details, descriptions of caller, any telephone numbers, addresses or leaflets. 

To report such incidents please contact 01635 519930 or email tsadvice@westberks.gov.uk

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire