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13th October 2022 - West Berkshire Council Supports Motion to Help Taxis Go Greener

West Berkshire Council Supports Motion to Help Taxis Go Greener

At the recent Executive Committee Meeting on 22nd September 2022, West Berkshire Councillors agreed to support a motion which would see members of the taxi trade licensing electric/hybrid taxis and private hire vehicles being offered a remittance on their vehicle licence fee.

The new scheme (which will run for three years albeit that it will be subject to annual review) will come into effect on the 01 April 2023 and will allow 100% remittance for electric and 50% for hybrid vehicles that meet the criteria set by the Council. It will introduce a zero-licence fee tariff for any taxi that is powered fully by electricity and a 50% reduction of the licence fee for any taxi that can do a minimum of 30 miles on electric power before switching to fossil fuel - known often as plug-in hybrids.

The motion, which was tabled by Councillor Adrian Abbs, received universal support at both the July Licensing Committee meeting and at the September Executive meeting.

Members recognised that this measure on its own will not overcome the barriers the taxi trade have identified which would prevent them switching to Ultra Low Emission Vehicles. The Council has therefore committed to continue to work with the trade to identify other opportunities and to assist them to moving to more environmentally friendly vehicles and practices.

Some of these changes will be driven through the revised draft Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy which is currently being consulted on. Behavioural Change will also be delivered through the anti-idling campaign which was currently being implemented. 

While the introduction of a remittance scheme and charging points will not, as standalone measures, deliver change it is hoped that they will form part of a range of measures to be introduced in consultation with the trade.

Councillor Steve Ardagh-Walter the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Transformation in introducing this item at the Executive commented that the motion chimes well with the Council’s Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Strategy and will send a useful signal to the taxi trade that we will support them to make changes to switch to electric or hybrid vehicles and encourage the market further.

Councillor Ardagh-Walter says, “Given the Council’s declaration of a climate emergency at a district wide level, it is a critical part of the delivery to have any body, company or individual contributing to carbon emissions join West Berkshire Council in achieving its stated goals of net zero by 2030.

Transport is amongst the largest contributors of carbon emissions and the taxi trade is one group over which the Council has some direct influence.

We look forward to the taxi trade progressively engaging further and making their individual choices in a positive direction which will assist the environment."

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire