West Berkshire Council wants your opinion on hackney carriage fares
West Berkshire Council wants your say on whether hackney carriage operators should be permitted to increase their fares or not.
The Council is required, by law, to consult on any proposed changes to the fares and would therefore welcome input from the taxi trade, residents and taxi users alike.
Current fees have been in place since 2013. Drivers and Operators have had to absorb increased costs like fuel, insurance, pension contributions, rent, and cost of vehicles etc. as stated by one driver “Unlike other businesses we cannot pass on any increased business costs to our customers due to the nature of the tariff system”.
The process of setting a fare increase is complex and a balance needs to be struck between the legitimate aims of the taxi trade to maintain profitability in the face of increasing costs, while protecting the public from excessive fares.
An informal survey of the trade showed that they had mixed views on an increase. The majority were supportive of an increase of between 5% and 10%.
Members discussed the matter at a Licensing Committee on the 06th September and agreed to support a consultation to establish views on a 5% increase on fares. The consultation will run from the 16th September to the 14th October (which is double the time we are required to consult for). If there are no objections the new fares will come into effect on the 28th October.
If there are objections and these are not withdrawn the fares will be discussed again at the 08th November Licensing Committee meeting and a final decision will be made at the 18th November Executive meeting.
With so many varied voices your say can help get the right decision for all of us and ensure that both the taxi drivers and passengers get the best deal. For more information see link here