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18th October 2022 - West Berkshire Residents Receive Scam Insulation and Energy Calls

West Berkshire Residents Receive Scam Insulation and Energy Calls

A Newbury resident received a call this week from a ‘Martin Clarkson’ claiming to be calling from Berkshire County Council. The call was an advisory call to check if resident qualified for new home insulation.

The savvy resident immediately thought something was amiss with the call, as the caller said he was calling from Berkshire County Council, a council which was abolished in 1998 and is now governed by the six separate unitary authorities including West Berkshire.

The resident explained to our Trading Standards team, “‘I became suspicious when he said he was from Berkshire County Council as we live in West Berkshire so wondered why he would be calling.  Also the subject was the same as another call we’d had a few months ago. I decided to record the conversation and made the caller repeat where he was from. I then contacted Trading Standards.”

Resident, “You said you were a conservation consultant for whom?”

Caller, “Sorry sir, I’m a conservation officer for Berkshire County Council."

Resident, “Berkshire County Council?”

Caller, “Yes sir. The Government Green deal is a Government incentive. It was running and it’s been cut since 2014 because of the problems with <trademarked brand of insulation> and fibreglass has been causing.  So the Government no longer back those insulations. We’ve been asked to see if you qualify for insulation or need a replacement.” 

Resident, “Can you please repeat your number for me?” 

Caller, “This is an advisory call and I’ve not finished advising.” 

Resident, “Please give me your number or you can hang up." 

Caller hangs up.

In the same week we’ve had a resident from Theale contact our Trading Standards team to report an email and telephone call he received from someone who claimed to be from energy provider EON.  The callers posed as EON and told this resident they will be changing the meters to a smart meter.  The caller asked the consumer to take a photo of his meter and email it to them at the following fake email address, hellobusiness.eonnext@outlook.com.  The consumer felt this was odd, so contacted EON who confirmed it was a scam. 

EON went on to explain the scammers take details of the meter and then sell the information on or use it ‘as broker’ to change their energy supplier without the residents knowledge.

The genuine EON email address is : hellobusiness@eonnext.com

EON provide online safety tips on their website and how to spot a scam, Stay safe online and avoid energy scams | E.ON Next (eonnext.com)

Commenting on these reports Cllr. Thomas Marino, portfolio holder responsible for Public Protection Partnership said,

“We would urge all residents to be on their guard for any unsolicited calls, texts or emails regarding utility provision or home improvements around energy consumption, such as insulation. With the cost of living crisis and energy prices making headline news, scammers are quick to take advantage of the genuine concerns of residents and they will claim to be calling from either the Council or a utility company, names that you will trust and recognise, with offers of cheaper deals, smart meters or energy saving insulation.

Genuine organisations will not mind you calling back; only scammers apply pressure and insist you hand over your details immediately. If you have any doubts at all, please do not divulge any personal information and never give anyone your bank details during calls like these.”

How to protect yourself

  • If you have any doubts about a message, contact the organisation directly.
  • Don’t use the numbers or addresses in the message – use the details from their official website.
  • Make sure the call is disconnected completely, and you have a dial tone on a landline, before you dial a new number (scammers have been known to stay on the line and then pretend to answer it when you think you have dialled the organisation directly.)

You can contact Trading Standards on 01635 519930 or email tsadvice@westberks.gov.uk if you have any concerns regarding contact you have received.

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire