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13th October 2020 - Wokingham Campaign on Bonfire Smoke

Wokingham Campaign on Bonfire Smoke

As we enter the garden clearance season, Wokingham council is urging residents and businesses to consider the manner by which waste is disposed of.   Public Protection Partnership has received a marked increase in bonfire smoke complaints recently, and this is in despite of other forms of disposal being available through the Council’s Waste and recycling services such as The Garden Waste Service and the re 3 Household Waste Recycling Centres which also offer a trade waste service.  Illegal fires can be the result of illegal waste transfer in an effort to save money but these cause a statutory nuisance to neighbours and dark smoke is an offence which impacts on air quality.

On behalf of Wokingham Borough Council, The Public Protection Partnership will be undertaking a daily patrol exercise for a period of two weeks (commencing 12th October) across the Wokingham borough to ensure an enforcement presence where bonfires are causing either dark smoke or a statutory nuisance to neighbours.  We’ll be using information and intelligence gathered from previous complaints, and will centre on areas that have shown an increase in this activity in recent months, or have been subject to earlier enforcement notices. 

Information on bonfires, and illegal bonfires can be found on the public protection partnership website,  https://publicprotectionpartnership.org.uk/environmental-health/neighbourhood-concerns/smoke-and-bonfires/

Cllr Parry Batth, executive member for environment said: “Our teams are working with colleagues across the Council, and will not hesitate to use the powers available on the person responsible, should officers come across illegal burning.  This exercise will provide officers with the valuable intelligence needed to help target repeat offenders.”

Cllr Batth added: “we do need the public’s help because it is essential to get evidence.   If you are experiencing bonfire smoke that is preventing you from enjoying your own home, or that you are aware of illegal burning taking place, please contact us.”

Any residents witnessing illegal fires, or who are being affected by bonfire smoke should contact the public protection partnership on 01635 503242 or via our online form below:


If residents are experiencing burning of trade waste, they should also contact the Environment Agency on 0800 807060.

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire