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31st May 2021 - World Health Organisation - World No Tobacco Day

World Health Organisation - World No Tobacco Day - 31st May 2021

Public Protection is supporting World No Tobacco Day on the 31st May.

We are all aware that smoking causes harm to our health, but did you know:

  • Every year worldwide over eight million people die from smoking related illnesses. 25% of all cancer deaths are related to tobacco. Twenty different types of cancer are linked to tobacco use.
  • It is not only the tobacco users who are at risk of health harms from smoking. Children living with a smoker often suffer from a significant reduction in lung function and capacity, this continues with them through adulthood and can cause chronic respiratory diseases later in life. They are also more likely to become a smoker themselves. 
  • It is never too late to quit. A person who quits smoking at 30 could increase life expectancy by 10 years.

There is so much support and help out there to help you with your journey to become a non-smoker, get fitter and healthier and live longer.

There are mobile apps like quit genius and quit now. Social media support from viber and whatsapp. There are also local smoking cessation groups in your local area and of course your local GP surgery too.

Many of us are concerned about environmental issues. Here are some relating to tobacco you may not be aware of:

  • Tobacco smoke contributes to climate change – tobacco contains 3 greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.
  • 200.000 hectares of land is requires by tobacco growers to produce tobacco plants. This leads to deforestation. Causing destruction to habitat and destroying biodiversity.
  • Cigarette butts contain hazardous chemicals like Lead, arsenic and formaldehyde which finds its way into water and soil, causing death to aquatic life and pollinators and other wildlife.

Want to know where to go for support:

If you are looking to quit smoking you can contact our local stop smoking service, the details can be found at https://www.smokefreelifeberkshire.com/

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire