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No Cold Calling Zones

No Cold Calling Zones aim to decrease doorstep crime incidents by specifying a ‘Zone’ in which doorstep callers are not welcome. Zones are defined by window stickers placed in the doors or windows of homes within the zone area and larger signs on lamp post and street furniture. Zones range in size and can be from a block of flats to streets in a residential estate up to villages in rural areas

Each Zone is requested by residents who have stated they do not wish to receive unsolicited visits (cold calls) from businesses. There is a consultation process and at least 66% of the residents within the Zone must say that they want a Zone setting up. The Zones are set up by the Public Protection Partnership’s Trading Standards team working in partnership with Thames Valley Police.

Zones should meet these three criteria before they can be set up:

  • a history of reported doorstep crime or distraction burglary
  • a vulnerable population and
  • a defined geographical area.

Businesses are advised not to cold call in designated NCCZ, the residents do not want you to do so and if you repeatedly call and/or refuse to leave you may commit a criminal offence. Businesses should look out for No Cold Calling Zone signs on lampposts which identify the location of Zones. Individual households may also display signs outside of Zones and again you should not cold call.

If you are contacted by any business when you are at home, remember, Trading Standards approve a number of companies within your area from car sales to electricians, roofers and builders and we would recommend you contact one of these.

Advice on the law is available on our business advice pages here.

The main aim of the Zones is to reduce the number of unwanted and uninvited callers selling goods or services door to door. Zone residents have specifically stated that they do not want such cold callers and have been provided with a door/window sticker. Signs will be displayed on lampposts at the boundary of each Zone, in larger Zones there will be additional lamppost signs.

For more information or to register your interest in setting up a 'No Cold Calling Zone' where you live please contact us at 01635 519930 for Trading Standards enquiries or email tsadvice@westberks.gov.uk or use our contact form here

To report an incident of cold calling please contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 03454 040506 or visit the website of the Citizens Advice Consumer Service online here.

For details of existing No Cold Calling Zones see below. 

Associated documents

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire