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Safer Streets & Drink Safety

Anti- Drinks Spiking Campaign

Drink spiking is when someone puts drugs or alcohol into a person’s drink without their consent. It can include putting alcohol into a non-alcoholic drink, adding extra alcohol to an alcoholic drink or slipping prescription or illegal drugs into an alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink.

Recommended actions for licensed premises

Many licensed premises work incredibly hard to ensure that their customers can enjoy a night out safely and deter perpetrators. To support licensed premises, several industry associations produced a factsheet which includes recommendations and some resources for the hospitality sector on how to respond to and prevent spiking. We recommend that licensed premises: 

  • Ensure all reports of spiking are acted upon and that all incidents of alleged spiking are recorded and reported to the police. It is also helpful to the police if staff:  
  1. obtain full details of the affected person reporting the incident, including a description of what they are wearing as officers will want to track them on CCTV 
  2. can provide as detailed a description of the suspected perpetrator as possible, if known, including clothing 
  3. can provide an approximate time of the incident and the location within the premises where they believe it occurred 
  4. can secure the drinking vessel(s) that is suspected as containing the ‘drug’ so this can be tested at a later time. 
  5. can seize any drinking vessel that the suspect may have been using.
  • Ensure the health and safety of the customer, which could be by calling emergency services, ensuring they are with trusted friends who will look after them, offering assistance if needed, and providing a safe space for the customer. 
  • Ensure appropriate training is provided to relevant members of staff. 
  • Review searching procedures and amend as necessary, as well as reviewing how often toilets are inspected, as victims of spiking have been found in there. Premises should also review the functionality of any CCTV and ensure it is not obscured. 
  • Consider providing information (such as posters) regarding drink spiking in the premises. See below for Drink Spiking posters from PPP.  
  • Consider if it would be useful to provide anti-spiking bottle stoppers and protective drink covers.
  • It may also be helpful to see if drug testing kits have been made available in your area by the police. 

Anti Drink Spiking Posters - See link here

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Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire