A shared service delivering Environmental Health, Licensing and Trading Standards across Bracknell Forest Council and West Berkshire Council

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Support for Businesses - Cost of Living

Support for Businesses - Cost of Living 

We understand many businesses may be concerned regarding their rising operating costs, whilst consumers and customers are also, in many cases, reduce their spend. Below we have highlighted support or information that may help during this time. 


Energy Advice & Enforcement 

It is against the law to rent out a property with an emergency performance certificate below an ‘E’ rating. This rating calculated by evaluating the thermal efficiency of property elements such as windows and doors, wall, floor and roof insulation as well as heating methods for warmth and water.

If you are an owner occupier a flexible home improvement loan may assist you in improving your EPC rating.


Not complying with EPC recommendations can contribute to housing defects which contribute to damp and mould problems, excess cold and health problems including respiratory problems.

Housing Condition Inspection & Advice - Rented Properties

Many landlords are reporting problems with maintaining their properties due to costs.

Sometimes this is further complicated because of tenants in rent arrears.

Environmental Health will always look to secure the removal of housing hazards which pose health risks to tenants irrespective of on-going financial disputes or landlord financial issues; either through advise to stakeholders or enforcement action where appropriate.

Contact Environmental Health on 01635 503242 or email ehadvice@westberks.gov.uk

Fire Safety Advice

There has been a marked increase in the number of properties across all tenures which do not have smoke alarms or carbon monoxide alarms fitted where appropriate.

One smoke alarm per storey is a legal requirement in all rented properties. A carbon monoxide alarm is required in all social housing properties and any room with a solid fuel burning appliance such as a log burning stove; irrespective of tenure. For more information click here. 



Financial Support for Businesses

West Berkshire businesses - click here

Bracknell Forest businesses - click here

West Berkshire