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Caravan sites and park homes

This information applies to all privately owned permanent residential caravan sites and mobile home sites that fall into the definition of a 'relevant protected site'. It does not include caravan sites and mobile home parks that are owned or run by the Council.

Fit and Proper Person Test

The Mobile Homes (Requirement for Manager of Site to be Fit and Proper Person) (England) Regulations 2020, require the site operator or manager of a site to be a Fit and Proper Person (the Regulations). The Public Protection Partnership, on behalf of the 2 partner local authorities is administering the application process. More information for site operator’s is in guide below, along with an application form which may be downloaded for completion and return.

Fit and Proper Person Fee Policy

The application fee is set at 2 hours on existing hourly rate  – see link here.

If the application determination exceeds 2 hours an hourly rate is chargeable for each hour, or part thereof.

An annual fee for checking is directly cost recovery, based on existing hourly rates.

The fee methodology was agreed by the JPPC  on 22nd June 2021 and the respective councils as below:

Bracknell Forest Council: 8th July 2021

West Berkshire Council: 8th July 2021

For ease the council decisions may be accessed as below.



Bracknell Forest


West Berkshire




Fit and Proper Persons Registers

The Councils are required to maintain a public register for Fit and Proper Persons.  The public registers for each authority may be accessed below.  (This register is regularly updated – if you have any queries regarding the register please log a service request via our customer contact form here).  

Site licences

All privately-owned sites require planning permission and a site licence, with a few exemptions. For detailed guidance visit the GOV.UK website for more information The website offers a guide explaining your rights and obligations and includes other information you may find useful.

Certain functions carry a fee or charge. Please refer to the fee policy below and additional fit and proper fee policy.   An annual caravan site inspection fee is applicable based on the number of caravans/mobile park homes on your site.

You can apply for a site licence by contacting us or using the form below

Changes to Site Licences 

To vary a site licence, for instance in order to increase the number of permitted units on site, the licence holder must apply to us in writing. An application form is provided below. We will liaise with the relevant planning department and we may consult with resident’s or the site resident’s association, as necessary.

Site inspections

As the licence holder you have a duty to ensure that your site complies with the conditions set out in your site licence. We will undertake inspections of sites, based on how much risk they are assessed to represent; sites that are given a high risk score are visited more frequently than sites with a low score. The current standards for sites is the Model Standards 2008 to which we must have regard.  Some sites may have site specific conditions.


Site rules

You can view the published site rules in Bracknell Forest and West Berkshire councils here.   

If you have a complaint about a site your first step should be to contact the site owner or manager. If they fail to resolve the problem please contact us for advice, if the concern relates to a licence matter. 

Bear in mind that site rules and other matters which are not covered under the site licence are purely between the resident and site owner/manager - we can only advise if there is some aspect of your complaint which impacts the conditions under which the licence has been granted.

If you are unable to resolve any unrelated issues we advise that you get advice from LEASE, https://parkhomes.lease-advice.org/ a solicitor or contact your local citizens advice.

If the rules change, site operators should deposit them with us.  An application form is provided to assist operators below.


Appealing against decisions

You can appeal to a tribunal if you disagree with a decision we have made about your site. Details are located at GOV.UK .

More advice can be found at the British Holiday and Home Parks Association and the National Caravan Council.

Associated links

Associated documents

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire