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Dermal licence for cosmetic piercing

Tattoo, acupuncture, ear piercing and electrolysis

The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 Part VIII requires that the following types of skin piercing need be registered with the council:

  • acupuncture
  • tattooing
  • ear-piercing and
  • electrolysis
  • cosmetic body piercing (Bracknell Forest only)
  • semi-permanent make-up (Bracknell Forest only)

The Act requires registration to cover both the person carrying out the practice and the premises used for that purpose.


West Berkshire Applications 

Application forms and guidance notes for West Berkshire can be downloaded from Associated documents at the end of this page. Completed application forms must be submitted with the appropriate fee to the relevant licensing authority:

For Bracknell Forest Applications Only: 

To contact Bracknell Forest Licensing@bracknell-forest.gov.uk

West Berkshire: Licensing, Council Offices, Market St, Newbury, RG14 5LD or scanned and emailed to Licensing@westberks.gov.uk


West Berkshire, please view current licensing fees and charges, to find out how much you will need to pay.


Make a payment

Associated documents

Woman with tattoos
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire