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03 March 2020 - Custodial Sentence for Roofing Trader

Custodial Sentence for Roofing Trader. James Dean Fenton trading as Fascia Line, has pleaded guilty to three consumer protection offences in relation to property maintenance works at two properties in Thatcham, West Berkshire following investigation by officers from the Public Protection Partnership (PPP) Trading Standards Acquisitive Crime Team.

04 March 2020 - Support with Confidence Reaches Milestone

West Berkshire and Wokingham Care Scheme reaches Milestone. The West Berkshire and Wokingham Support with Confidence Scheme has recently reached a milestone when it admitted its 50th Member into the Scheme. The Scheme which is managed by the Public Protection Partnership working with Wokingham and West Berkshire Adult Social Care Teams is designed to raise standards and provide assurance in the adult social care sector particularly for the those self-employed providers that fall outside the Care Quality Commission regulatory framework.

12 March 2020- Public Warning: Car Park Scam Operating in Bracknell 

Public Warning: Car Park Scam Operating in Bracknell on 12th March 2020. We have received a report from a resident who has been scammed behind the banks in Bracknell earlier today. A male with ‘Link car park attendant’ on his clothing was standing by the 'pay for parking' machine and advised the customer that there was a problem with the payment machine and offered assistance.

05 March 2020 - Letting Agent's Fees

Letting agent’s fees: From 1 June 2019 letting agents have been prohibited from charging tenants for services which previously tenants had to pay. They also had to publish fees and charges landlords are required to pay.

01 December 2020 - 12 Scams Of Christmas

Don't let the fraudsters steal your Christmas. Be scam aware this Christmas. The Public Protection Partnership’s Trading Standards service has 12 scams for you to watch out for this Christmas.

05 March 2020 - Buying a Used Car Tips

Buying a used car: If you are buying a car there are plenty of places to look for advice before buying and guidance to help if things go wrong. The Citizens Advice consumer helpline and officers at the Public Protection Partnership talk to hundreds of customers every year and here are a few additional tips.

18 March 2020 - Coronavirus Scams

We are starting to hear reports of numerous scams taking place across the country with regards to Coronavirus. Unscrupulousness scammers are taking advantage of the media coverage and heightened sense of fear. Criminals are targeting individuals as well as industries. In common with most other crisis situations, criminals are using emails, text messages, social media posts, online advertisements and phone calls to defraud their unsuspecting victims.

19 March 2020 - Chip & Pin Fraud in Bracknell

During the past weeks fraudsters have been actively targeting shoppers across Bracknell and surrounding areas, who use either Credit or Debit cards to make payments by way of entering a 4 digit PIN at the point of sale or when withdrawing cash from an ATM or whilst trying to pay for Pay & Display parking using a bank card.

19 March 2020 - Can Hackney carriage and private hire drivers refuse to carry certain passengers through fear of infection?

Can Hackney carriage and private hire drivers refuse to carry certain passengers through fear of infection? James Button, Institute of Licensing President looks at the issue of driver safety and refusal to carry passengers during the COVID-19 crisis. The starting point here is that as there are no scheduled services for hackney carriages or private hire vehicles (unlike buses and trains) there is actually no requirement on a hackney carriage or private hire driver to be working. That is very simplistic approach, and it is appreciated that they need to make a living as much as everybody else. It will be for each individual driver to decide whether they are prepared to take the risks associated with providing hackney carriage and private hire services.

24 March 2020 - Coronavirus Scams - Press Release

Our Trading Standards team are hearing increasing reports of scams relating to the Coronavirus Crisis. Today a new scam emerged when a local resident reported a phone call they had received from someone claiming to be calling from their bank and offering them a 3 month mortgage and credit card repayment holiday because of the current crisis. The caller asked for bank account and card details in order to process the repayment 'holiday'. The resident didn't have this information to hand and the caller hung up. COVID-19 scams identified include:

25 March 2020 - Coronavirus Update - Can I Make Food Deliveries from my Business Premises?

Can I make food deliveries from my business premises? Information for businesses considering making food deliveries from my business premises. Food businesses registered with Bracknell Forest, West Berkshire  or Wokingham Council are in some instances permitted to carry out food deliveries. As a rule, this may be subject to compliance with planning conditions or the need for planning permission. However, the Government has announced they are to relax any planning restrictions for pubs, restaurants and cafes at this time to help businesses adapt and support individuals who are staying at home as a result of coronavirus. This in effect means that the council wouldn't investigate any potential breaches in planning during this period

25 March 2020 - Increase in Stray Dogs

Animal Warden Update: This week we have seen an increase in the number of calls we have received about lost and found dogs. Whilst our in-house Animal Warden and the out of hours wardens are doing everything they can to ensure stray dogs are collected and wherever possible returned to their rightful owner we are having to take a number of dogs to kennels in the hope they are claimed within 7 days.

26 March 2020 - Enforcement of closure of all retailers that sell non-essential goods and other non-essential premises

Enforcement of closure of all retailers that sell non-essential goods and other non-essential premises. As you will be aware the government announced earlier this week the closure the closure of all retailers that sell non-essential goods and other non-essential premises, as part of further social distancing measures. Local government will be responsible for enforcing regulations requiring those businesses asked to close on 20 March 2020, in new guidance issued (22 March 2020).

01 April 2020 - PRESS RELEASE: Coronavirus – COVID-19 – Update from Public Protection Partnership - Trading Standards Team

PRESS RELEASE: Coronavirus – COVID-19 – Update from Public Protection Partnership - Trading Standards Team. In these unprecedented times we have seen a lot of courage, compassion and dedication from so many people, but it is very regrettable that some will use the current situation to their own advantage, seeking to exploit individuals and businesses. The Public Protection Partnership (PPP) has received a number of complaints.

2 April 2020 - FAQ's Trading Standards Re Coronavirus - COVID-19

FAQ's Trading Standards Re Coronavirus - COVID-19

02 April 2020 - Social Distancing Download

Are you a business currently open to the public? Use this free download to print in your premises to remind your customers to adhere to the 2m social distancing rule.

03 April 2020 - COVID - 19 FAQ's Livestock Guidance for Local Authorities

COVID-19 - ENGLAND ONLY Updated 1.04.2020 Frequently Asked Questions – Livestock (latest updates in italics, please note this is upto date as at 1.4.20, check links for further guidance or updates) These FAQ’s have been compiled by members of the National Animal Health and Welfare Panel to assist local authorities in answering any questions raised. This is based on the opinion of the authors and is not a definitive interpretation of the law which only a court can give. At all times, consideration MUST be given to the public health advice released by Government and guidance relating to business closures issued by OPSS.

03 April 2020 - COVID-19 - ENGLAND ONLY Updated 01.04.2020. Frequently Asked Questions – Companion Animals

COVID-19 - ENGLAND ONLY Updated 01.04.2020. Frequently Asked Questions – Companion Animals (latest updates in italics, please see links for most upto date information). These FAQ’s have been compiled by members of the National Animal Health and Welfare Panel to assist local authorities in answering any questions raised. This is based on the opinion of the authors and is not a definitive interpretation of the law which only a court can give. At all times, consideration MUST be given to the public health advice released by Government and guidance relating to business closures issued by OPSS.

6 April 2020 - Update to the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals)(England) Regulations 2019 - LUCY’S LAW COMES INTO FORCE 6th April 2020

Update to the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals)(England) Regulations 2019. LUCY’S LAW COMES INTO FORCE 6th April 2020. What is it and how does it protect puppies and kittens? The law is named after Lucy, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who died in 2016 after being subjected to terrible conditions on a Welsh puppy farm. Dogs like Lucy are often kept by breeders to produce multiple litters of puppies, which are taken from their mothers at just a few weeks’ old and advertised online or sold in pet shops.

15 April 2020 - Bonfires and Environmental Health during Coronavirus Outbreak

Bonfires and Environmental Health. While there are no laws against having a domestic bonfire, there are laws about causing a nuisance. The smoke or the smell of smoke from bonfires can cause a statutory nuisance. At this current time residents across the boroughs are being asked to think of others and to not light bonfires during the current Coronavirus pandemic lockdown. A lot of people at home are vulnerable and any one of your neighbours might have respiratory issues or even be fighting the Coronavirus itself. During this difficult time please put their needs first.

08 April 2020 - Infographic on How to Protect Yourself From Coronavirus Scams from PPP

Infographic on How to Protect Yourself From Coronavirus Scams from PPP

14 April 2020 - PPP Instigates Recovery of £17,000 for Wokingham Fraud Victim 

PPP Instigates Recovery of £17,000 for Wokingham Fraud Victim. Our Fraud Victim Support Officer has been tirelessly pursuing a claim on behalf of a 61 year old Wokingham resident who was scammed out of £17,000 over two years ago. <br />The scam involved criminals on his doorstep posing as council workers. They told the victim that there was necessary work to be done on his drains which were causing the neighbours problems. Later the same day he received a phone call from the ‘police’ telling him that the workers were legitimate. This call was also from the scammers. After the call reassured him the callers were who they said they were he transferred £17,000 to the criminal’s bank account. PPP challenged the bank saying they had not abided by the banking protocol. The bank at this stage denied any wrong-doing. PPP, via our Fraud victim Support Officer, took this to the banking ombudsman. We have just learnt that the victim has received the full amount of £17,000 back, plus interest and £200 compensation.

15th July 2021 - Updated Guidance on Wedding and civil partnership ceremonies, receptions and celebrations under Step 4

Updated Guidance on Wedding and civil partnership ceremonies, receptions and celebrations under Step 4. The Government has published its latest guidance on Wedding and civil partnership ceremonies and receptions from 19th July - Step 4. This guidance is for couples planning to get married or form a civil partnership in England, and venues hosting these events.

17 April 2020 - Are you providing food support for your community during the Coronavirus pandemic?

Are you providing food support for your community during the Coronavirus pandemic? If so we're looking to help. Public Protection Partnership aim to provide Food Safety, Health and Safety and Trading Standards advice and assistance to any community groups or individuals that are providing support to vulnerable or isolating households in this time of Coronavirus pandemic lockdown.

21 April 2020 - Coronavirus Scams: "We are issuing you a formal warning and £250 fine.....

Coronavirus Scams: This SMS scam message has recently been bought to our attention:"We are issuing you a formal warning and £250 fine.If this continues, the fine could increase to a maximum of £5,000 and/or an arrest.Payment will be taken automatically out of your account.Call 0800 345 9999 for any enquiries or to appeal.”

22 April 2020 - Door-to-door Sales Scams - How to Protect Yourself

Door-to-Door Sales Scams. From time to time you may get callers to your door either there to read a metre, ask for charity donations or looking to sell their services or products. Doorstep scammers aren't always pushy and persuasive, they may seem polite or friendly. So if you're not expecting someone it's important to be vigilant when you answer the door, especially if you live on your own. It can be very easy to fall victim to a scam, but you can be scam savvy if you know what to look out for.

23 April 2020 - Protecting businesses from COVID-19 scams

Protecting businesses from COVID-19 scams. Malicious email attachments, false government grant phone calls and CEO impersonation scams are among a raft of scams undermining businesses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The increasing risk has led National Trading Standards to launch Businesses Against Scams – a free online training tool to protect businesses, employees and customers from costly scams. With remote working and many businesses having to stop or diversify their trading practices, criminals are seizing the opportunity to target employees who are isolated from colleagues. Scams include criminals impersonating government officials or a senior member of the business in order to put pressure on employees to give out sensitive information or make payments.

27 April 2020 - Animal Activity Licensing FAQ’s – COVID 19

Animal Activity Licensing FAQ’s – COVID 19 - Dated 27th April 2020. Inspections for Licences. COVID-19 guidance is changing regularly, and we ask that you keep yourselves up to date with the latest information. We are currently unable to undertake any inspections for new licences or licences due for renewal during the government restrictions. If you have received a renewal reminder, and are still working, please submit your application as usual via email. Your current licence will continue in force until such time as restrictions are relaxed and we are able to carry out an inspection. If however you are not working and have received a renewal reminder please see the following paragraph.

27 April 2020 - Gambling Act 2005 Licensed Premises FAQ’s – COVID 19

Gambling Act 2005 Licensed Premises FAQ’s – COVID 19 - Dated 27th April 2020<br />The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Business Closure) (England) Regulations 2020 specifically include gambling premises within the list of businesses that are subject to restrictions or closure. Bingo halls, casinos, betting shops and amusement arcades are all included in the list of premises which must be closed. Guidance & FAQ's - operators and consumers...

27 April 2020 - The Licensing Act 2003 FAQ’s – COVID 19 - Dated 27th April 2020

The Licensing Act 2003 FAQ’s – COVID 19 -
Pile of newspapers
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire