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21st June 2022 - Happy First Birthday Thatcham Community Larder

Happy First Birthday Thatcham Community Larder. This week see’s the first birthday of Thatcham Community Larder which was launched on Wednesday 23rd June 2021. The larder now has over 80 members and also offers free school uniforms, sanitary products and a free toy and book exchange.

21st June 2022 - We're looking for help in stopping young people start smoking or vaping

We're looking for help in stopping young people start smoking or vaping. Are you involved in a youth sports club? Would you like to help us stop young people taking up smoking or vaping? The Public Protection Partnership are working with Public Health and the Football Association on a smokefree sidelines initiative.

17th June 2022 - Is the Ice Cream Van Your Buying From Licensed?

Is the Ice Cream Van Your Buying From Licensed? We all love an ice cream in the hot weather. But is the trader you're buying from licensed? Are they adhering to strict food hygiene and allergens standards?

16th June 2022 - Clean Air Day - How Bumper Stickers Remind Motorists to Switch off Their Engines near Schools

Clean Air Day - How Bumper Stickers Remind Motorists to Switch off Their Engines near Schools

16th June 2022 - Top Tips for Keeping Pets Cool in Hot Weather

Top Tips for Keeping Pets Cool in Hot Weather. Never leave animals in conservatories, hot cars, outhouses or caravans. Find access to shade and water. You can add ice cubes to water bowl. Also use a damp towel for them to lie on. Use a pet safe sun cream on exposed parts of skin. Avoid walks during hottest part of the day.

13th June 2022 - Be Scam Aware - Don’t let scammers steal your money

Be Scam Aware - Don’t let scammers steal your money. Citizens Advice West  Berkshire (CAWB) and West Berkshire Council’s Public Protection Partnership have launched their annual Scams Awareness campaign to encourage people to report scams, share their experiences and look out for others.

9th June 2022 - Independent Review Published to Help Achieve Smokefree Target by 2030

Independent review published to help achieve smokefree target by 2030. New independent review into tobacco control led by Dr Javed Khan OBE has been published. Review recommends 15 interventions to give the government the best chance of meeting its national target to be smokefree by 2030. Findings will be carefully considered as part of wider plans to improve health of the nation and reduce inequalities through the Health Disparities White Paper

8th June 2022 - Dog Safety Code

Dog Safety Code. Leading animal welfare organisations have teamed up to produce a shareable infographic to encourage safe interactions with dogs.

6th June 2022 - Trader sentenced to 38 months imprisonment for Fraud and Unfair Trading

Trader sentenced to 38 months imprisonment for Fraud and Unfair Trading. Daniel Fidler aged 30 of Beresford Road, Poole, Dorset was sentenced at Reading Crown Court on 30th May 2022 after previously pleading guilty to seven counts of fraud by false representation contrary to the Fraud Act 2006 and seven counts of unfair trading contrary to the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.  Mr Fidler was sentenced to a total of thirty-eight months immediate custody.

27th May 2022 - World Tobacco Day 31st May

World Tobacco Day 31st May. Smoking is still our country’s number one killer. Every year around 78,000 people in the UK die from smoking, with many more living with debilitating smoking-related illnesses. For World No Tobacco Day on 31st May, we’re encouraging everyone to start a conversation with smokers and signpost them to quit support.
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire