21 July - Guidance on Keeping workers and audiences safe during COVID-19 In the Outdoor Event Industry in England
Guidance on Keeping workers and audiences safe during COVID-19 In the Outdoor Event Industry in England
17 July 2020 - Close Contact Service PPE Guidance
Close Contact Services PPE Guidance. We wanted to raise awareness that we have noticed a number of barbers and hairdressers providing services wearing only a face covering. This is insufficient protection as per the guidance (updated 9th July) issued from Government below.
15 July - Animal Warden Video - Dog Fouling
A reminder from the Animal Warden team on your responsibilities as a dog owner to always pick up after your dog.
14 July 2020 - Animal Warden Video - Keep Dogs Under Control off Lead
Animal Warden Video - Dog Owners Responsibility to Keep Dogs Under Control Off Lead
19th March 2021 - Retail / Business Poster Downloads
Downloadable Posters to use in your business / retail area reminding staff / customers of social distancing rules, plus reminders of hand washing. Directional posters, plus where to queue etc.