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7th January 2021 Dog Groomers Guidance Under New Covid Restrictions

Dog Groomers. We have received numerous requests for advice on if residents can take their dogs to be groomed and if dog groomers are allowed to continue trading under current restrictions.

5th January 2021 - Scam in Bracknell area re ‘Green Homes Scheme’.

Scam in Bracknell area re ‘Green Homes Scheme’. Yesterday in Warfield Park a scammer leaflet dropped some residents with an offer regarding the ‘Green Homes Scheme’. The scheme, if you’re a homeowner or residential landlord, means you can apply for a Green Homes Grant voucher towards the cost of installing energy efficient improvements to your home.

5th January 2021 - Latest Lockdown Guidance

National lockdown: Stay at Home. Coronavirus cases are rising rapidly across the country. Find out what you can and cannot do.

18th December 2020 - Tesco fined £536,000 for accident involving a child getting an electric shock

Tesco fined £536,000 for accident involving a child getting an electric shock. Tesco Stores Limited were fined £536,000 this week by magistrates after a 10-year-old child got an electric shock at its Warfield store in July 2017.

18th December 2020 - Looking for a new puppy? Do your research

Looking for a New Puppy? We’re urging everyone who’s looking for a new dog to follow some simple guidelines when purchasing.

17th December 2020 - Scam Warning - COVID Vaccine Scams

Scam Warning - COVID Vaccine Scams. Please be aware of two COVID vaccine scams we have reports on from other areas of the country. These may well travel to our region so please be aware.

10th December 2020 - Eat, Drink and be Merry – a familiar festive phrase!

Eat, Drink and be Merry – a familiar festive phrase! Drink, however doesn’t always have to be alcoholic.

09 December 2020 - The PPP are Here to Support Businesses and Help them Navigate their way through Covid Guidelines and Regs

The PPP Here to Support Businesses. Two of our officers were out on Covid patrol visits last week in Newbury and then onto Wokingham. It was the end of a long, cold day visiting numerous shops, cafés, pubs and warehouses.

01 December 2020 - 12 Scams Of Christmas

Don't let the fraudsters steal your Christmas. Be scam aware this Christmas. The Public Protection Partnership’s Trading Standards service has 12 scams for you to watch out for this Christmas.

27th November 2020 - Abandoned Vehicles

Abandoned Vehicles. Around the start of the holiday season we usually get an increase in reports of abandoned vehicles across the Bracknell District.
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire