13th June 2022 - Be Scam Aware - Don’t let scammers steal your money
Be Scam Aware - Don’t let scammers steal your money. Citizens Advice West Berkshire (CAWB) and West Berkshire Council’s Public Protection Partnership have launched their annual Scams Awareness campaign to encourage people to report scams, share their experiences and look out for others.
9th June 2022 - Independent Review Published to Help Achieve Smokefree Target by 2030
Independent review published to help achieve smokefree target by 2030. New independent review into tobacco control led by Dr Javed Khan OBE has been published. Review recommends 15 interventions to give the government the best chance of meeting its national target to be smokefree by 2030. Findings will be carefully considered as part of wider plans to improve health of the nation and reduce inequalities through the Health Disparities White Paper
8th June 2022 - Dog Safety Code
Dog Safety Code. Leading animal welfare organisations have teamed up to produce a shareable infographic to encourage safe interactions with dogs.
6th June 2022 - Trader sentenced to 38 months imprisonment for Fraud and Unfair Trading
Trader sentenced to 38 months imprisonment for Fraud and Unfair Trading. Daniel Fidler aged 30 of Beresford Road, Poole, Dorset was sentenced at Reading Crown Court on 30th May 2022 after previously pleading guilty to seven counts of fraud by false representation contrary to the Fraud Act 2006 and seven counts of unfair trading contrary to the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008. Mr Fidler was sentenced to a total of thirty-eight months immediate custody.
27th May 2022 - World Tobacco Day 31st May
World Tobacco Day 31st May. Smoking is still our country’s number one killer. Every year around 78,000 people in the UK die from smoking, with many more living with debilitating smoking-related illnesses. For World No Tobacco Day on 31st May, we’re encouraging everyone to start a conversation with smokers and signpost them to quit support.
27th May 2022 - Warning to Wokingham Residents re Bogus Company Claiming to be Carrying Out Free Repairs on Behalf of Wokingham Borough Council
Warning to Wokingham Residents re Bogus Company Claiming to be Carrying Out Free Repairs on Behalf of Wokingham Borough Council. We would like to warn Wokingham residents that we’ve received a report that there’s a company cold calling residents stating they were working on behalf of Wokingham Borough Council to carry out free repairs on their homes. The company claim, they are carrying out repairs to properties free of charge. This is not the case and is incorrect.
26th May 2022 - Bracknell Forest Council Wants your Opinion on Hackney Carriage Fares
Bracknell Forest Council Wants your Opinion on Hackney Carriage Fares. Bracknell Forest council wants your say on whether hackney carriage operators should be permitted to increase their fares or not. The council is required, by law, to consult on any proposed changes to the fares and would therefore welcome input from the taxi trade, residents and taxi users alike.
26th May 2022 - Knives, bladed items and hazardous materials a guide for businesses
Knives, bladed items and hazardous materials a guide for businesses. The Journal of Trading Standards has published a detailed guide for businesses supplying bladed articles, acids, corrosive substances, explosives precursors and poisons.
26th May 2022 - BRACKNELL FOREST BOROUGH COUNCIL. Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 Section 65 Hackney Carriage Fares.
BRACKNELL FOREST BOROUGH COUNCIL. Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 Section 65 Hackney Carriage Fares. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Bracknell Forest Borough Council proposes to vary the table of fares chargeable in the Borough as set out in the table below:
19th May 2022 - Driver fined for breach of traffic weight restrictions in Thatcham
Driver fined for breach of traffic weight restrictions in Thatcham - Offences under section 5 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. <br />The Public Protection Partnership (PPP) Trading Standards Service enforces weight restriction orders made under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.