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15 October 2020 - Remembrance Sunday Guidance for Events for Parish and Local Councils

Remembrance Sunday. Everyone appreciates and recognises the importance of Remembrance Sunday. It is an opportunity to honour those who fell in defence of our country in two world wars and other militarily conflicts, involving our armed forces, across the world. However, this year like so many other significant moments in our lives in 2020, adjustments will need to be made in relation to the current COVID-19 restrictions.

14th October 2020 - Home Office Parking Fine Scam

Home Office Parking Fine Scam. We are aware of numerous reports from people in Wokingham who are reporting receiving a message from the Home Office claiming they have an outstanding penalty charge for parking. The message includes details of the fine and a link to pay.

15th October 2020 - International Credit Union Day

International Credit Union Day - Thursday 15th October<br />This year's theme is "Inspiring hope for a global community." We are delighted to have partnered with over 110 Credit Unions in England to promote responsible saving and lending. Credit unions encourage members to save regularly, provide loans at low rates, and help members in need of financial advice and assistance. It’s important that we help people to save and build up their financial resilience, protecting them against future unexpected events and falling into the trap of unscrupulous loan sharks. We regularly deliver incentive schemes with credit unions to raise awareness of the dangers of borrowing from illegal money lenders and encourage the development of a regular savings habit.

13th October 2020 - Wokingham Campaign on Bonfire Smoke

Wokingham Campaign on Bonfire Smoke. As we enter the garden clearance season, Wokingham council is urging residents and businesses to consider the manner by which waste is disposed of.   Public Protection Partnership has received a marked increase in bonfire smoke complaints recently, and this is in despite of other forms of disposal being available through the Council’s Waste and recycling services such as The Garden Waste Service and the re 3 Household Waste Recycling Centres which also offer a trade waste service.  Illegal fires can be the result of illegal waste transfer in an effort to save money but these cause a statutory nuisance to neighbours and dark smoke is an offence which impacts on air quality.

12th October 2020 - New Look Halloween for 2020?

New Look Halloween for 2020? As with many things this year our usual Halloween traditions will need to be rethought in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

09 October 2020 - Be Aware of ‘Mystery Shopper’ Scam

Be Aware of ‘Mystery Shopper’ Scam. Fraudsters are targeting job-seekers with a recruitment scam that has already claimed 35 victims with losses totaling over £51,000. All of the victims so far have been from London. The fraudsters use recruitment websites and apps to identify potential targets. The victim is then cold called by someone claiming to be an employee of a mobile phone network. The caller explains to the victim that they will need to take part in a ‘mystery shopper’ test in order to pass the recruitment process.

08 October 2020 - Green Homes Grant Fraud

Green Homes Grant Fraud. As the Government has recently launched its Green Homes Grant, Trading Standards wish to help protect consumers from the threat of fraud. The Green Homes Grant is an initiative to get homeowners to invest money in improving the energy-efficiency of their property – while also giving the economy a much-needed boost.

07 October 2020 - Supermarket Distraction Thieves

Supermarket Distraction Thieves. We’ve recently been notified by Thames Valley Police that during the past week fraudsters are operating in Bracknell town. They are targeting supermarket shoppers, who used either a credit or debit card to make payments by way of entering a 4 digit PIN at the point of sale.

2 October 2020 - Veterinary Practices & Rescue Centres Working Alongside Animal Warden Team

Veterinary Practices & Rescue Centres Working Alongside Animal Warden Team. Our animal warden team have started a recent campaign visiting local veterinary practices and rescue centres across our three areas to encourage working together to re-unite stray dogs and their owners.

30 September 2020 - Hospitality COVID Regs Update/Summary

Hospitality COVID Regs Update/Summary. Following on from the recent legislation changes affecting the hospitality industry please see document below for clear details on what is currently required on: Contact Tracing / Test & Trace / QR Code / Rule of Six / Social Distancing / Face Masks / Closing at 10pm
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire