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09 November 2020 - Over £7 million lost this year in PayPal fraud

Over £7 million lost this year in PayPal fraud. There have been 21,349 Action Fraud reports featuring fake PayPal phishing emails recorded between January to September 2020, with a total reported loss of £7,891,077.

05 November - Scam Alert - Cold Calls Offering Free Immune Boosting Tablets

Scam Alert - Cold Calls Offering Free Immune Boosting Tablets. We're aware of a scam operating in the area targeting older residents. Our residents have reported receiving a call from someone saying they're calling from the Senior Citizens Centre offering a free month’s supply of immune boosting tablets. However because of the pandemic they can not deliver these for free and would need to charge £5 for delivery through the NHS.

02 November 2020 - Fly-tipping costs offenders £1,890

Fly-tipping costs offenders £1,890. Daniel George McCaghrey (29) and Jemma Porter (28) both of Fayne Way, Maidenhead were convicted at Reading Magistrates Court on 23rd October 2020 after pleading guilty to having illegally dumped a wardrobe off Malt Hill, Warfield, Bracknell.  They were each ordered to pay £400 in fines, £100 compensation in clean-up costs, a victim’s surcharge of £40 and costs of £405.

02 November 2020 - Co-op Foodstores Ltd fined £40,000 for out of date food

Co-op Foodstores Ltd fined £40,000 for out of date food Co-op Foodstores Ltd was convicted at High Wycombe Magistrates Court on 23rd October 2020, after pleading guilty to having 17 food items for sale at their store in High Street, Crowthorne, past their used by dates and therefore deemed unsafe.  The Co-op was ordered to pay a £40,000 fine, a victim’s surcharge of £110 and costs of £6079.50.

21st October 2020 - Firework Sales and Safety Guide

Remember, remember the 5th November and these fireworks rules to make it safe to December. As the nights are drawing in and we enter ‘firework’ season with Bonfire night and Diwali nearly upon us, PPP are reminding residents and shopkeepers of some safety tips and restrictions regarding the coming ‘sparkling’ season.

21 October 2020 - Bonfire Night Celebrations during Covid

Bonfire Night Celebrations during Covid. PPP are asking residents if they are holding their own bonfire night celebrations during the period around bonfire night then to adhere to the following advice.

21 October 2020 - Top Ten Tips on How to Reduce Stress in Pets during Firework ‘Season’.

Top Ten Tips on How to Reduce Stress in Pets during Firework ‘Season’. As we approach bonfire night and Diwali, and we’re less than 10 weeks away from New Year’s Eve! Our Animal Warden team have developed ten tips on how to keep your pets calm and safe during the upcoming firework season.

19 October 2020 - Kaspa’s- Bracknell - scoops five-star hygiene rating following work with council health professionals

Kaspa’s -Bracknell - scoops five-star hygiene rating following work with council health professionals. A Bracknell dessert parlour has scooped a five-star rating for hygiene and praise from environmental health experts for its new and updated COVID-19 control measures.

19 October 2020 - Animal Warden Team Once Again Win Gold Animal Welfare Award

Our Animal Warden team are proud to announce they have been awarded a Gold Footprint in relation to Stray Dogs in the RSPCA's 2020 Animal Welfare PawPrints awards. Since 2008, the RSPCA PawPrints awards has been the only award scheme across England and Wales to recognise good practice from local authorities and housing providers in relation to animal welfare.

16 October 2020 - Halloween 'COVID Safe' Pumpkin Trail

Halloween 'COVID Safe' Pumpkin Trail. With COVID making everyone rethink many aspects of our lives then Halloween this year is no different. The current advice is to forego the tradition of ‘trick or treating’ and instead go on a local ‘pumpkin trail’.
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire