20th July 2022 - Bracknell shopkeeper convicted for selling cigarettes to 16 year old
Bracknell shopkeeper convicted for selling cigarettes to 16 year old. Mr Sunil Suny, of Salt Hill Way, Slough, was convicted at Reading Magistrates’ Court on 15th July 2022 after being found guilty of the offence. Mr Suny, as the seller and company director was ordered to pay a £1,000 fine, £100 victims’ surcharge and £396.50 towards prosecution costs.
14th July 2022 - West Berkshire Council wants your opinion on hackney carriage fares
West Berkshire Council wants your opinion on hackney carriage fares. West Berkshire Council wants your say on whether hackney carriage operators should be permitted to increase their fares or not. The Council is required, by law, to consult on any proposed changes to the fares and would therefore welcome input from the taxi trade, residents and taxi users alike.
8th July 2022 - Trader ordered to pay over £4000 by Reading Magistrates Court
Trader ordered to pay over £4000 by Reading Magistrates Court. Haydn Brown, aged 29 of, Three Mile Cross, Wokingham trading as “Browns Fencing” or “Haydn Fencing” pleaded guilty at Reading Crown Court on 1st July 2022 to 3 offences contrary to Regulations 5 and 9 of the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 of engaging in a misleading commercial practice.
6th July 2022 - Tackling 'Near Bins' Fly Tipping
Tackling 'Near Bins' Fly Tipping. We would like to remind residents that the depositing of household waste near or on a litter or recycling bin is fly tipping. The bin been full is not an excuse to leave your rubbish/ recycling near a bin. If you find the bin full, please report it to the relevant authority, see below, and then take your recycling or litter home with you or find another recycling station or litter bin.
30th June 2022 - Building Safety Act 2022 Leaseholder Protections
Building Safety Act 2022 leaseholder protections. The leaseholder protections in the Building Safety Act 2022 came into force on 28 June. This means qualifying leaseholders in England can no longer be charged for cladding remediation, and there are legal protections in place for non-cladding costs.
21st June 2022 - Happy First Birthday Thatcham Community Larder
Happy First Birthday Thatcham Community Larder. This week see’s the first birthday of Thatcham Community Larder which was launched on Wednesday 23rd June 2021. The larder now has over 80 members and also offers free school uniforms, sanitary products and a free toy and book exchange.
21st June 2022 - We're looking for help in stopping young people start smoking or vaping
We're looking for help in stopping young people start smoking or vaping. Are you involved in a youth sports club? Would you like to help us stop young people taking up smoking or vaping? The Public Protection Partnership are working with Public Health and the Football Association on a smokefree sidelines initiative.
17th June 2022 - Is the Ice Cream Van Your Buying From Licensed?
Is the Ice Cream Van Your Buying From Licensed? We all love an ice cream in the hot weather. But is the trader you're buying from licensed? Are they adhering to strict food hygiene and allergens standards?
16th June 2022 - Clean Air Day - How Bumper Stickers Remind Motorists to Switch off Their Engines near Schools
Clean Air Day - How Bumper Stickers Remind Motorists to Switch off Their Engines near Schools
16th June 2022 - Top Tips for Keeping Pets Cool in Hot Weather
Top Tips for Keeping Pets Cool in Hot Weather. Never leave animals in conservatories, hot cars, outhouses or caravans. Find access to shade and water. You can add ice cubes to water bowl. Also use a damp towel for them to lie on. Use a pet safe sun cream on exposed parts of skin. Avoid walks during hottest part of the day.