6th May 2021 - Hand Washing Support for School Children
Wash & Glow. To help schools prevent the spread of disease, including COVID-19, PPP is offering a free handwashing session for local children in Bracknell-Forest, West Berkshire and Wokingham. We provide equipment so that the teachers can run these inactive sessions demonstrating to children the importance of hand washing.
5th May 2021 - Reminder of correct PPE for hairdressers, beauticians and other close contact businesses.
Reminder of correct PPE for hairdressers, beauticians and other close contact businesses. Do you work in a close contact industry, such as a hairdressers or beautician? Are you aware that because of the period of time spent in close proximity to a person’s face, mouth and nose. The appropriate PPE should take the form of a clear visor/goggles AND a Type II face mask. A Type II face mask is a medical face mask. It is made from a protective 3-ply construction. This prevents large particles from reaching the client or working surfaces.
5th May 2021 - Licensing Requirements - Training for Taxi Drivers
Licensing Requirements - Training for Taxi Drivers
4th May 2021 - When Visiting Hospitality Venues Be Patient and Follow Current Guidelines
When Visiting Hospitality Venues Be Patient and Follow Current Guidelines. With less than two weeks to go ahead of the planned lifting of further COVID restrictions on 17th May we’re urging those visiting hospitality venues to adhere to the current restrictions in place.
28th April 2021 - PPP asks homeowners to make checks when sourcing tradespeople via means such as social media
PPP asks homeowners to make checks when sourcing tradespeople via means such as social media. Over the past 12 months we've all been spending a lot more time at home and as a result building and home improvement projects have never been more popular.
28th April 2021 - New Air Quality Legislation on Wood Used for Solid Fuel from 1st May 2021
New Air Quality Legislation on Wood Used for Solid Fuel from 1st May 2021. From the 1st May 2021 new legislation will come into effect whereby wood, sold in volumes of more than 2m3 for the purposes of domestic solid fuel, must have the correct packaging label (as detailed in the Air Quality (Domestic Solid Fuels Standards)(England) Regs 2020. It is based around the moisture content of wood for the purpose of combustion in domestic premises in England.
27th April 2021 - Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service are urging Berkshire residents to ‘Be Water Aware’
Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service are urging Berkshire residents to ‘Be Water Aware’ as part of the National Fire Chiefs Council’s (NFCC) Drowning Prevention and Water Safety Week (26 April – 2 May).
22nd April 2021 - Update from Thames Valley Police - Roadside Selling Scam in Bracknell.
Update from Thames Valley Police - Roadside Selling Scam in Bracknell. Police in Bracknell have been informed that just after 5.00pm on Tuesday 20 April there was a group of 3 eastern European looking males attempting to sell what appeared to be new and boxed iPhone 12 mobile phone handsets, that they were carrying in shoulder bags, to passing pedestrians in the stretch of the High Street near its junction with Market Street.
20th April 2021 - Update on Live Music in Hospitality in Step 2
Update on Live Music in Hospitality in Step 2
20th April 2021 - Fines for Goods Vehicle Overloading
Fines for Goods Vehicle Overloading. The Public Protection Partnership (PPP) enforces and undertakes routine patrols with Thames Valley Police to check for overweight goods vehicles and where appropriate prosecutes driver and / or operators under the Road Traffic Act 1988.